Your Gateway To Asian Dating, Women, and Marriage

Whether you are looking for a love experiment or for a steady and prolonged relationship, there are tons of reasons for you to start dating any Asian girl immediately. Asian women are widely believed to be more exotic and amenable. A lot of unfounded as well as strong rumors about them do exist, but the only confirmed fact nobody dares to deny is that beautiful Asian eyes have special magic to hypnotize men. You may find a plethora of examples of famous people being married to Asians — the proof that the magic works.
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A Practical Approach to Asian Dating, Brides and Marriage

A Practical Approach to Asian Dating, Brides and Marriage

It is never too late to begin something new on the love playing field, whether having intentions to try to refresh yourself by getting exotic sexual experience or to find a solution to loneliness that would finally work for you. Whatever you are pursuing, you will need to prepare for an absolutely new type of girl, if Asian dating is terra incognita. You will have to accept a few new and to abandon a number of old things in your everyday behavior if you are really about to get along with an Asian bride.

  1. Please be prepared for taking off your footwear before entering her dwellings. It is a generic Asian concept to leave shoes on the floor by the house entrance, and you are supposed to accept this innocent tradition if success is what is expected. Of course, this is the situation when you also have to constantly bear in mind the cleanliness of the socks on your feet. Keep them spotless and never ever make an attempt to get on her bed with your sneakers on.
  2. Be prepared for her use of chopsticks even where they are not much needed. Your future Asian bride has probably been indoctrinated to use these chopsticks long before she started to speak and now nobody in the world will persuade her to use another tool for sending food to the mouth.
  3. Avoid constantly asking her to say something in an Asian language. You seriously risk annoying her. Due to the conceptual difference in languages, it is hard for her to find a correct translation every time you happen to wish to make fun of it. Just believe me, not every bilingual person likes this game. Moreover, she might not necessarily fluently speak any.
  4. Her parents are the most dangerous threat to you. There is a well-known Asian practice to set their daughters up with the sons of “important people” or just close family friends. So, your persona as a suitor will likely be immediately rejected. The good news is that it is not a strict law or even a rule but rather a habit, so except for their being grouchy you can hardly face any more or less serious issues. In order to soften these little tensions, you should eat what they cook and express excitement about each object found on the dish.
  5. Learn something about tea traditions. It is an essential thing in Asian culture. Never fill your own cup before making sure you have filled all the cups of everyone else sitting at the table including your girlfriend. You should start pouring tea for the eldest then finish with the cups of the youngest, and, in the very end, you can pour it for yourself.
  6. Please her ears with the proper spelling of her name. Find somewhere how to pronounce difficult Asian names and then learn to tell hers. She is going to be very happy because this is the very reason why many Asians change their real names for western-like pseudonyms.
  7. Get used to eating rice despite the fact you are not fond of it. Although being the children of globalization, most Asians are still used to consuming rice with almost everything. Rice is wholesome food, so why not, after all. However, besides rice, the one more culinary trying ordeal that you are about to face is that they all adore extremely spicy dishes. So, to withstand and live through dating, start practicing eating Tabasco in advance.

Well, now you understand the whole approach to Asian dating and can easily figure out what to do if any difficulties should appear. Do not be afraid of awkward moments and simply turn them into jokes if they have happened.